
At 41 Years young I decided to stop dreaming of the life I so desperately wanted to live and JUST DO IT. So I quit my job, started a new career in real estate. After three years in real estate, My wife and I started our own Real Estate Company. Ultimately I am a Teacher, Speaker and Personal Empowerment Coach at heart. I used the real estate business as a conduit to launch me into full-time Entrepreneurship. We haven’t held formal jobs in four years and at this point are absolutely unemployable. I started this website, and podcast to help others who feel stuck in their lives and don’t know how to get unstuck. Who know there’s more but just can’t seem to make that jump to start creating the life they dream of. This website and podcast will hopefully give you inspiration into what it take to begin to design a life tailor made for you! You only have one life, don’t waste it living someone else’s vision for you, live your own.

My desire is to take you on a journey through my experience, to let you know you can do it too. All of the business’s that I have launched and are still in the process of launching are a results of making a decision and just doing it. I feel the reason I am able to successful just start moving on a goal without caring about the outcome or the criticism of others is that I live with the end in mind. I know one day “I’ll be dead” and none of what people said or would say is going to matter. Therefore I am able to navigate through life “fearlessly”!

I watch people everyday live lives of quiet desperation. They go to jobs they “HATE” and spend time around people they don’t like, for a paycheck that doesn’t even meet their needs. Worst than that, is landing a job you hate and making lots of money and building a life around it! Then you are totally screwed! Why? because most likely you have built a life around the money and now you need it to maintain the lifestyle you’ve built around it. You’ve cemented your casket for a life of  quiet desperation, just with “golden” shackles.

YOLOLIVEFREE means you only live once, live free. This mean as far as we know…we only have this one life to live out the fullest expression of ourselves. We should live it with total freedom, expressing our true authentic SELVES. Unfortunately most people are living lives that were handed to them by parents, friend, etc, without any thought of what they truly want out of life.

This is still your life! You can make it your own. The first step is taking personal responsibility for where you are right now, own it and make a declaration that you are not going to allow your life to end without living out your personal destiny. The author of the New York Times Best Seller “The Alchemist” Paulo Coelho wrote that “EVERYONE HAS A PERSONAL LEGEND” something that they were put here to do. He also said “Not many people are pursuing it, this is the cause of so much misery in the world” What is your Personal Legend? What were you put here to do? What passion do you have that your hiding because your afraid others would laugh at you. What would you do tomorrow if you had the freedom of time and money and you could do what every you wanted to? Let’s take a journey together to discover the true YOU!